Friday, July 26, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday: Finished Book Destination

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

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The question for this week is:
What do you do with your books after you’re done reading them?

I keep them and stack (more like jam-pack) them on my "finished" bookcase by age group category or genre. The books that I find aren't for me when I finish them, I'm still likely to keep. :P In some cases, I'll donate them to the library or St. Vincent's. I'm reading more eBooks as of late. Unless I know I'll read it again, I usually archive or delete the eBook from my devices but keep it in my online library. For books I absolutely loved upon finishing, I usually buy another copy to give away.

What about you? What do you do with a book when you finish reading it?
Let us know in a comment below—we enjoy hearing from you. And feel free to leave us a link to your F&F Friday.
We love discovering new blogs. Thanks for stopping by.

You certainly don't have to follow, but if you'd like to, our GFC, Linky, and Bloglovin' link can be found at the bottom of the blog. Everything else is at the top of the sidebar. We'd appreciate it if you stop by to check out Grapevine Book Tours, a brand new tour site. Thank you kindly!
Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. I love your header... so cool!! I am a library user so they all go back. I wish I could keep them all.

    Angela's Anxious Life

  2. Thanks for the follow :)
    Followed you on bloglovin'

  3. Your blog is so awesome! I love the design!

    Yeah, I do something similar with my finished book!

    Thanks for the follow! Following back via GFC!

  4. I spent two hours deleting read books from my Kindle archive and still have more to delete. I wish there was an easier way to do that, but I guess Amazon doesn't want you to permanently delete the books by accident.

    New follower via bloglovin and twitter. Thanks for visiting my FF!

    My FF

  5. Love your organising skills!! Wish I could be that good!!

    Thanx for visiting my FF!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
    Old Follower :)

  6. I usually shelve mine too! For the rare book I didn't like it goes in a donate pile that usually goes to the library. Although starting to wonder if I should donate to a hospital as someone else said that's what they do and that sounds like a nice gesture, since I remember being in a hospital and being bored.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Ebooks make it so much easier. I'm usually not going to reread again, so I just delete them and it's on to the next. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Jenna @ Rather Be Reading YA

  8. Lol good answer. I do that too :)

    Happy weekend!


  9. Oooo, donating them to a library is a great idea! I should do that O_O

    Thanks for visiting my blog! New Google Plus follower!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Hopping through. I have shelves on my bookcase for read and unread books, but mostly I just throw books onto the shelf so it's not very organized.
    My Hop

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now following you via Bloglovin' and Twitter!

    I Looooooooove books and tend to keep them. Read about it here: FFF

    (PS - thanks for including the drop down (below) where I can enter my own name/URL!)

  12. I predominately read on my e-reader now because there's just no more space in my house and I can't seem to force myself to give away a book once I get it. It's even hard for me to archive on my ereader and I know it's still on my account LOL! Eeek...confessions of a book hoarder :) Have a great weekend!

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  13. I honestly don't have a finished bookcase, which I think most people find weird since I'm usually quite neat and strict about stuff like that. My books are a complete mess, though! A pretty, overstacked mess.

    Check out my FF here, as well as my second blogaversary giveaway!

  14. I try to do eBooks more often now too - physical books just take up too much space and I already have too many! I also check out from the library a lot.

    New Bloglovin' and twitter follower
    Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun
    Here's my FF:

  15. I love surfing through my kindle cloud. It keeps all the books organized. My regular shelf not so much...

    Following via bloglovin'

  16. Happy Friday! New follower via bloglovin and google+

    My FF

  17. I keep mine too, though my organisation is by genre, read and unread mixed together.

    Your blog layout looks lovely, by the way =)

    New follower via Twitter and Goodreads =)

    Rinn @ Rinn Reads

  18. My system is pretty much the same, Raina. :) Although I do organize mine by genre. I work in a bookstore, so I can't help it! LOL

  19. I keep mine, too, lol. I have to do the same with my ebooks. I have so many that I delete them from my device to make room for more but keep them in my online library. Thanks for stopping by My FF @ Donnie Darko Girl!

  20. Oh yeah I have a hard time getting rid of any of my books too - even the ones I didn't really like! I only do it if I absoltely have to and have no room for new ones hehe

    Thanks for following - following back via Bloglovin, Twitter & Google+ :)
