Friday, August 2, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday: The Power of DNF

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Find new blogs, make new friends, learn something new about your fellow blog manics, and follow follow follow. It's about spreading the love ... and the followers.

The question this week is:
How do you handle a book you don’t like? Do you DNF or do you power through?

I have a hard time not finishing books. For one, I feel horrible if I received the book in exchange for a review or as a complimentary copy from the publisher or author and I don't give a valiant effort to finish it. Two, my mind usually questions "What if?" What if the story picks up the pace and gets better? What if the aspect I'm not quite fond of is explained thoroughly and I begin to get it? Even today, I DNF'd a book that I hated the characters and premise—it was not what I was expecting at all—yet I'm questioning if I should try again. I can't not know what happens. The feeling niggles at me for days.

That being said, I will DNF if the writing is deplorable, there's something that makes me extremely uncomfortable or angry (and not in a good way), or I've been stuck on it for a week and find myself without the inkling to pick it back up. I'll power through "meh" books, but I know scoffing and rolling my eyes more than five times in an hour at the ridiculousness of it means I'm done, no matter how far I am through the book.

What about you? Do you DNF easily or push through?
Let us know in a comment below—we enjoy hearing from you. And feel free to leave us a link to your F&F Friday.
We love discovering new blogs. Thanks for stopping by.

You certainly don't have to follow, but if you'd like to, our GFC, Linky, and Bloglovin' link can be found at the bottom of the blog. Everything else is at the top of the sidebar. We'd appreciate it if you would just check out Grapevine Book Tours, a brand new tour site, too. Thank you kindly!
Hope you have a great weekend. :)


  1. I completely agree with the "What if".. that's why I finished a book just last week (and it didn't get any better)..

    Old follower on Bloglovin' My Feature Follow

    1. Oh no! I'm sorry it didn't get any better, Kris. I hope your next read is much better. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  2. I typically make up my own ending to the books I DNF. If I repeat it enough times in my head, I'll eventually convince myself that I did read it to the end. And I really like my endings. :P

    old follower

    My FF

    1. LOL. That's a great idea! Sometimes I think of alternative endings for books I loved, but I never thought to do so for DNFs. Thanks for sharing and stopping by, Lizzy.

  3. Yeah, I think that's why I rarely DNF books. The "what if?" But I've had to DNF a few when the pacing was too excruciating or the characters too annoying. I don't like doing it, but it has been done a few times.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Hey, Jess! Great minds and all that. ;) Thanks for visiting, as always. ♥

  4. I usually dump it. I have better books to read. New follower, check out mine, I'm #16 :)

    1. I wish I could dump a book easily, though I have found it easier now than before since I started book blogging. There ARE so many books to read.

  5. I hear ya about review copies. I've done a couple that I probably would have DNF'd if I hadn't already agreed to review them. In those cases, they were well-written, but just very boring. Oh well. Can't win 'em all. I usually do my homework on what I personally pick up to read, though, so I rarely DNF any of those books. I have a bit of a finishing complex, so it's hard for me to DNF as well. Happy Friday! :D

    My FF

  6. I hate to not finish a book. It does happen occasionally though. I always give it my best effort before giving up.
    New follower!
