Monday, January 23, 2012

Exciting News

We're pleased to announce that The LUV'NV will be completely revamped on February 5th. We're going to have a brand new look, a better menu, and a few changes with fresh features to better promote the under-appreciated fics and authors. The site will close on January 29th and reopen February 5th to make the shift.

In the meantime, we need your help!

Feel as though your quality fic isn't getting the recognition it deserves? Did your story exceed the review cap for the de Vill's AdVocate by a small margin?

While we're getting rid of a couple features, we will have a brand new feature called The Lovelorn. Tell us and the fandom about your story, and The LUV'NV will tweet it twice a day for two weeks.

The Lovelorn requirements:
Your story ...
♥ Must be beta'd, or well written if it's not beta'd.
♥ Must have at least five chapters posted.
♥ Has no more than 750 reviews nor an average of 30 reviews per chapter upon submission.
♥ Does not have Edward and Bella as the main pairing.

Please apply here to have your story as a part of The Lovelorn. We'd love to advertise your fic around the fandom and help get it the love it deserves.

Thanks to everyone who's been with us since the very beginning and have stuck around. We'll see you February 5th!

~ The LUV'NV Staff
RaindropSoup, CareMarie, Arianna-Janae, Riotanthem, and wonderwoundedhearers ♥

If you'd like to be a part of The LUV'NV staff, please apply here.

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