Monday, November 29, 2010

Welcome to The LUV'NV


We want the new ... the different ... the Volturian ... the unpredictable ... the Vitally Human ... the unconVentional ... the Villainous ... the ostracized ... the Vexed Wolfing ... the underValued ... the Nomadic ... the unknown ... the thought proVoking ... the Dawning ... the emotionally maddening ... the hauntingly beautifully ... the traumatic ...

Well, you get the idea.   

We. Want. New. Non-Canon. Fics!

The L.U.V.’N V is a group run site trying to incite the Twilight community to fall in love with the unpopular, seemingly forgotten characters, the uncommon pairings and the underestimated fics.  We want to help the Fandom remember that the other characters were just as vital to the storyline of the saga.  There should be more to Twifics than Edward and Bella, or Jasper and Bella, or even just Bella.

This is a showcase that a story does not have to feature a favorable lead, surround a certain pairing, contain smuttiness, or be written by a well known author to be acknowledged and appreciated. We hope to be deemed as a reliable source to easily found, unforgettable Non-Canon.

To rouse the TwiHards to read, write and fall in love with the unrequited ...

~ Your LUV'NV

P.S. Excuse us for the bare archives, we are still adding Recs.  Notice how easy it is to find a fic? No need to go through the whole list of feature posts or click on a link to find out what that story is about ...  All to make it easier for you!

P.P.S. We do love the Major! There will be NO bashing of him here. We only want new leading men to love and read about!

Circa Noi - About Us (The Staff)

Follow The LUV'NV with Bloglovin


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