Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vouched Book! "Night of the Purple Moon" by Scott Cramer

The epidemic strikes only those who have passed through puberty.

Abby Leigh is looking forward to watching the moon turn purple. For months, astronomers have been predicting that Earth will pass through the tail of a comet. They say that people will see colorful sunsets and, best of all, a purple moon.

But nobody has predicted the lightning-fast epidemic that sweeps across the planet on the night of the purple moon. The comet brings space dust with it that contains germs that attack human hormones. Older teens and adults die within hours of exposure.

On a small island off the coast of Maine, Abby must help her brother and baby sister survive in this new world, but all the while she has a ticking time bomb inside of her—adolescence.

Find it on: Amazon | Barnes and Noble
Find Scott Cramer on: Twitter | Facebook
Publisher: Independently published

Intense and compelling, Night of the Purple Moon shocked and blew me away. Despite that it's a bit more MG (Middle-Grade or Middle School) than I anticipated, the story is gripping—one of the most I've read all year.

Astronomical phenomenons have drawn people around the world since the beginning of time, creating excitement or unease, maybe even both. Night of the Purple Moon starts out no different. The world prepares for Earth to pass through the tail of a comet—for when the moon will be dusted in vibrant purple. It's the color of the week, the topic of the decade—in school, in news and advertisements, in and on food.

But no one has predicted the epidemic that the space dust brings: Death to those who are exposed and have reached adolescence.

With no living adults in sight, only the bodies of their parents and those of their small island community, a group of kids learn how to survive, growing up quickly but, hopefully, not too quickly—as they await for the inevitable ... puberty.

And the biological clock is ticking. Fast. The chapters are marked by the passage of time—the first few are the days after entering the comet's tail, then months, and ending back on a handful of days. After the third chapter, I couldn't put the book down. It's very well written, original, and a fast read.

With a young cast of amazing characters and a stunning, non-purple—but no less palpable—prose, Scott Cramer created an unforgettable book, differentiating it from others in the same, currently hot YA genres, Dystopia and Post-Apocalyptic. I'd recommend this to young and ... more mature readers alike.

Thank you to Scott Cramer and to The Readdicts blog for holding a giveaway. I can't imagine winning a more stellar book—and that's not because I might never win another giveaway. I truly enjoyed Night of the Purple Moon and look forward to reading the rest of the series.

LUV'NV Rating:
Amazon.com Rating as 10/15/2012: 4.4 out of 5 stars

The Kindle version of Night of the Purple Moon will be free October 17th and 18th!
Be sure to leave the author some LUV in the form of a review.
Are you a Goodreads member? Enter to win one of two signed paperbacks in a giveaway, here.