Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Vouched! "Booty Call" by Mrstrentreznor

"Booty Call" by Mrstrentreznor
Embry & Leah, Post-BD, M, Complete
Summary: Post BD;M for language; sex; & themes. Leah and Embry spend some time together in the new pack. He makes her an offer...
Rec'd to us by AndiWolf2011

You know, I've never really given Embry a second thought. He's always been 'one of the wolves' and just fades into the background while others like Jacob, Paul, and Leah hover in the forefront of my mind.

Well, after reading Booty Call, that's not the case anymore. Now, I wonder if there are other confident and sexy as hell Embrys out there, just waiting for me to come across.

Booty Call starts out with a conversation between two outcasts, Embry and Leah. Neither one of them feel comfortable around the Cullens, so that fact tends to bring the two sideliners together. On this particular evening, a conversation about relationship issues spurs an interesting thought for both of them to consider. Relationships between humans and wolves tend to be strained. Between the temperature differences and the inner wolf pushing for more aggressive bedroom activities, both Leah and Embry end up scaring off their potential romantic partners. So, maybe they should ... you know ... do it.

On the surface it makes sense. One wolf to another. Temperatures are the same, and fast healing compliments the tendency for rough sex. As soon as the idea of Leah and Embry together is posed, Leah can't stop thinking about it. When no amount of distraction seems to take her mind off of Embry, she simply gives in.

Check out Booty Call to find out what happens. You won't be disappointed.


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