Author Name: RaindropSoup
Story: In Love and War — Caius and Bella
Where to find RaindropSoup: FanFiction -
Twiwrite -
RogueFanFic -
In Love and War Blog -
For The Love Of Non-Canon Site
CareMarie: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
RSoup: I’m 27 years old and I have three wonderful kids. Greg—or as we call him “Goose” is four, Roslyn is two, and Gabriel is one. I was born on a military base, was a military brat, and I am now a military wife.
*snickers* So, I guess I’m still a military brat. I grew up all over the place, but Japan is my favorite country.
*Points to everyone*, you should all go—even before Europe! I was in Japan for seven years, through high school, and a few years after; it was so fucking awesome, especially the food. Being a military brat really helped me appreciate every culture and all history. I’m also really into designing; whether it’s designing a site, refurbishing and creating furniture, interior designing, painting and graphics in general, or any and all architectural designing—
*laughs*—just designing period. I didn’t get to finish my major in Architectural Design because I wanted to stay home with my son, and I probably won’t major in it now, but I just love creating something from scratch and designing to make
that something
entirely unique.
CareMarie: You’re the creator – the “VSire” – of this site,
The LUV’NV, tell us why did you created it.
RSoup: *laughs* There are a few reasons. One, I was tired of having to go through the “Featured Stories” list on sites. You have to click on each story to know the story summary, the pairing, etc. It’s tedious. I was looking for good fics that had specific non-canon pairings, and I wanted to find a fic it easily, but it essentially wasn't.
Two, I’m tired of Jasper and Bella, or even Edward and Bella. *giggles with her hands up in defense*
Three, I love
The Twilight Awards site, and though they’ve recently changed it, you used to have to scroll down the
long list of fics, and it's always with the newest fic on top. Again, it can be tedious.
The same applies to or; I can search for certain characters and pairings, but I always asked myself, “Is it good? Or am I just going to be disappointed?’
*chuckles and shakes her head*I know authors can’t please everyone, but personally, I have hard time reading and getting into fics that are grammatically incorrect to the extreme. I think obvious mistakes, especially a lot of mistakes, can mess up the flow of a story, so I move on. I want
The LUV’NV to be a source of
good, well-written fics. I created it so that anyone could
easily find a fic by pairing, category, etc. including the summary, all that story’s media, and anything to do with that author. Now, the Fandom has one.