Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Vouched! Eric Yorkie, The Van Helsing of Forks by @duskwatcher

Rosalie & Eric, Humor/Supernatural, AU, M, Complete
Summary: When Eric discovers the Cullens are vampires, he makes it his mission to 'get the goods' on them with hilarious results. Good thing the Cullens have a sense of humor! Twilight. Canon.

This fic was just the funny pick-me-up I needed. There are so few stories out there about the humans in the Twilight books, and even less about our geeky friend, Eric. This story takes place during Twilight, where we get to see Eric's unique take on things. As it turns out, Eric Yorkie happens to know a thing or two about vampires. After all, he's seen his fair share of horror movies.

It's an icy day in Forks when Tyler's van comes careening through the parking lot, heading straight toward Bella. Eric just happens to be taking pictures for the school paper, and continues to snap away during the whole incident. When he studies a blurry picture a little bit closer, he realizes that the blur bares a remarkable likeness to one Edward Cullen.

Join Eric as he uncovers the truth about the Cullens. Will he tell anyone? Will Edward's ability uncover the secret Eric carries? Will Eric be able to warn Bella about the Cullens' dark secret? Well, you'll just have to read Eric Yorkie, The Van Helsing of Forks to find out.


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