Sunday, January 23, 2011

"From the McCarty File: The Poisoned Cup" by javamomma0921

Title: From the McCarty File: The Poisoned Cup (Complete)
Author: javamomma0921
Rated VM16+
Genre/Category: Mystery/Suspense, AH
Pairing: Emmett & Rosalie
Summary: A FGB short story for HMonster4. Emmett is a PI with a history. Rose is accused of murder and comes to him for his help. Can he solve the mystery of the Poisoned Cup?


  1. Thank you!! I didn't even know this was rec'd! I appreciate it so much. :) <3

  2. OMG, you know what? I think I forgot to mention that when I left you a review! *facepalm* I'm so sorry!

    You're story's been rec'd...? O.O I love your fic! LOL.
